6:45 PM
Accroding to Timezone standard, New York in United States of America is One Hour behind of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Hence, Jose moving from Sao Paulo at 4:45 PM means the actual time in New York at the time of the starting the flight is 3:45 PM.
Therefore, after three hours of flight from Sao Paulo (Brazil) to New York, Jose would land in New York (United States of America) at exactly 6:45 PM
Please see the answers below.
To begin with, governance is a word that describes the process or manner of conducting the affairs or policy of people, organization or a state. Good governance is the measure of how well affairs are conducted and resources are managed. The measure or standards of good governance are known as the characteristics of governance. They are many characteristics of good governance. The important ones are listed below.
Good governance must be:
1. Consensus oriented.
2. Effective and efficient.
3. Accountable.
4. Participatory.
5. Equitable and inclusive.
6. Responsive.
7. Transparent.
8. Follow the rule of law.
The answer is
s waves cannot pass thru the outer core
Upper-upper class
The social class divides individual or family into group based on the levels of wealth, influence, and status in the society. This social stratification includes: The lower class, the working class, the middle class and the upper class. The Upper class consist of the lower-upper class and also the upper-upper class. The lower-upper class consist of individuals or family with new money made from current business or investment while the upper-upper class are individuals who is wealthy based on wealth or investments built from it's old generations and passed to new generations.
In this question, the white family belongs to the Upper-Upper class because Connor White wealth inherit the family wealth from generations
The answer is the availability heuristic.
The availability heuristic is a mental short-cut that takes place when a person relies on immediately available, often recent information to justifiy their ideas or take decisions. In the example, when George notices his new professor was young, he was surprised because the only available information he had about psychology teachers was completely different.
This heuristic may result in poor decision-making and even <u>stereotyping</u>.