hydrogen nuclei fuse forming helium and releasing energy.
The Sun's light is generated by a nuclear reaction. In this reaction, hydrogen nuclei fuse forming helium and releasing energy. This reaction releases so much energy that light is able to travel all the way from the Sun to the Earth. On the Earth, this light energy is transformed into chemical potential energy during photosynthesis.
Answer is: European leader Pope Gregory VII clashed was Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
They had dispute over papal authority. Henry IV sent Gregory VII a letter in which he withdrew his imperial support of Gregory as pope, <span>In 1076 Gregory responded by excommunicating Henry.</span>
Answer: A sonnet
A sonnet is a form of poetry written in 14 lines that uses iambic pentameter on each line. There are two kinds of sonnets: Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian). Shakespearean sonnets are grouped into three quatrains (groups of four lines) and a couplet with this rhyming pattern: abab cdcd efef gg.
Water is very essential in human life.Life is not possible withoit water.Some of tje importance of water in human life are:
For cooking food
For washing
For bathing
For drinking
For generation hydro-electricity
For construction work
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