He created the Gas absorption and Einstein refrigerator
<span>Robert Merton used the term dysfunctions for the harmful consequences of people's actions.
According to Merton, functions (people's actions_ in society can either be functional (positive) or dysfunctional (negative). Here, we are focusing on dysfunctions- harmful consequences of people's actions. Dysfunctions in turn can either be manifest (obvious and expected) or latent (hidden and unintended). A manifest (expected) dysfunction is rowdy behavior at a football game, whereas, a latent (hidden) dysfunction is the effect of urbanization on an endangered bird species.
Hello There!!
They both succeeded by developing cash-intensive crops. Both struggled with starvation and other harsh conditions. Both were driven by economic success over religious freedom.
The political structures of the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies were different in that the Plymouth colonists did not settle in the area specified in their charter, so they wrote their own governing rules.
The Fertile Crescent is bounded on the west by the Mediterranean Sea and on the East by the Persian Gulf. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow through the heart of the Fertile Crescent.
Answer:a.the altruistic provision
What Is Altruism?
Altruism occurs when we care more about others well being and we do things that show that we are concerned about their well being.
When we see people in very devastating conditions we are likely to act altruistically and show our empathy towards those people by actual doing something that may assist them.
We put aside our personal cost and look forward to helping someone in need knowing the thrill we will feel afterwards.