Any source of electricity, the battery, or the power supply is there to maintain the potential difference across a conductor.
To measure this difference we use VOLTMETER - Instrument for measuring potential differences, voltage differences. It is called a voltmeter as it allows the measurement of the potential difference or voltage that exists between two points belonging to an electrical circuit. The voltmeter, therefore, detects the voltage.
Lysosomes use or make use of hydrolyzing and other digestive enzymes to break down foreign matter and dead cells. Upon releasing such substances, these substances are broken down and are released from the cell.
efends the body from microorganisms that could cause it harm or even death. one of the additional functions of the immune system. helps maintain homeostasis by removing old and or damaged cells from the body. complex and broad range of defensive mechanisms that the human body uses to combat infections and diseases.
Answer: Pretty much every aspect of them
Stem cells have unique regenerative abilities which can be used for treating diseases and disabilities (from diabetes to MS). They can also be used to graph skin from burns etc. The stem cell science world seems to leave so many options open for discoveries and they have less negative side effects in comparison to the chemical treatments available or soon to become available. Stem cells can heal rather than pharma therapies covering the ailment and leading to other issues.
D) differences between species and their ancestors
This is because of the adaptive mechanism and mutations the organisms have to respond to. <span>Adaptation processes occur to help species survive and thrive in the ecological balance of life. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism that adapted through time. An example of this are the bills of a bird and the fur of bears that they generally need for their survival; birds for hunting, and bears to protect them from low climate areas.</span>