I think his major roles are to speak & notify the outside world on what's going on around the world & the United States.
A. protection of civil liberties and civil rights
In the story of Moses Israelites were told to paint lamb blood over their door frames. The spirit of death took the first born son of all who didn’t. Including the pharaohs son.
I think that the commandment provide us with ways to be better and to follow god and as long as we keep those commandments we can fully follow god. Of course we all sin but he has already forgiven us.
The four primary functions of law – preventing undesirable behaviour and securing desirable behaviour which is performed in criminal law and torts; providing facilities for private arrangements between individuals, which is found in private law, criminal, and tort law; provisions of services and the redistribution of goods found in legal systems; and settling unregulated disputes found in courts and tribunals – are discussed in the chapter. It also tackles the secondary and indirect functions of the law. The secondary functions of the law include the determination of procedures for changing the law and the regulation of the operation of law-applying organs. The chapter concludes with the discussion of H.L.A. Hart's classification of law. Laws provide a framework and rules to help resolve disputes between individuals. Laws create a system where individuals can bring their disputes before an impartial fact-finder, such as a judge or jury. Definition and Regulation of Social Relationships. Identification and Allocation of Official Authority. Dispute Settlement and Remedies. Change of Law.
Examples of law:
》The definition of law is a set of conduct rules established by an authority, custom or agreement. An example of law is don't drink and drive. A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.
》Common law is defined as a body of legal rules that have been made by judges as they issue rulings on cases, as opposed to rules and laws made by the legislature or in official statutes. An example of common law is a rule that a judge made that says that people have a duty to read contracts.