the energy that drives the water cycle comes from the sun
The two bacteria are considered to be anaerobic endospore-formers that deliver neurotoxins. Disease comes about when the endospores are brought profound into the tissues. The two neurotoxins meddle with engine control. Botulism poison, delivered by C. botulinum, ties the cytoplasmic films of engine neurons at the neurotransmitter and keeps the arrival of acetylcholine neurotransmitter and, subsequently, forestalls motioning to muscle cells. At the point when muscle cells don't get signals from engine neurons, they stay loose, bringing about a flabby loss of motion. The absence of engine control delivers a not insignificant rundown of side effects, the most genuine of which is a respiratory disappointment, on the grounds that respiratory muscles can be influenced by botulism poison.
Overflow incontinence
Overflow incontinence is due to the leakage of small amounts of urine out of a bladder that is perpetually full. Diabetes and spinal cord injuries may trigger this kind of incontinence.
A spinal cord injury may disrupt interactions among the nerves in the spinal cord that regulates bladder and bowel function and the brain, which leads to incontinence.
This type of inconsistency results from Injury to the spinal cord at T10-L2 causing an overactive bladder.