Following is the correct matching of different social media activities with the objectives of the company.
Releases videos of its new, high tech smartphone manufacturing facility
To give consumers a peek into its operations
Hosts an online sweepstakes and gives the winners an extended warranty on a smartphone model
To increase brand loyalty
Gives bloggers a new smartphone handset before the model is on the market
To create consumer awareness about a new product
Ask customers to determine their next model using hashtag #NEWMODEL
To allow consumers to be part of product development
Are Luke some good friends
In my heart
Correct option is 'It is through studying and testing of different work methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job'
Scientific management refers to employing different methods or workflows to improve labor work efficiency, thereby achieve organizational objectives in a efficient way.
Application of scientific methods to improve efficiency proved highly beneficial. One of the methods was to break down big tasks into smaller and simpler tasks and dividing the tasks among the labor as per their skills. This ensured quality work.
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c. courages investment by increasing the uncertainty about future returns
Inflation refers to the increase in the price level of the goods
The price inflation reflects that there is a rise in the price of the goods and services over a particular period of time lets say for one year. It can arise when the raw material cost during the process of production increased that push the price in upward
It also increased the uncertainty with respect to the future returns through investment
Hence, the correct option is c.