Imatinib is a small molecule kinase inhibitor. The BCR-ABL kinase can phosphorylate a series of downstream substrates, leading to proliferation of mature granulocytes. Bcr-Abl kinase substrate is the tyrosine. The Protein Tyrosine Kinase activity is an important requirement for malignant transformation, and that it cannot be complemented by any downstream effector, though not all interactions of BCR-ABL with other proteins are phosphotyrosine dependent.
Sample A is a mixture
Sample B is a mixture
For sample A, we are told that the originally yellow solid was dissolved and we obtained an orange powder at the bottom of the beaker. Subsequently, only about 30.0 g of solid was recovered out of the 50.0g of solid dissolved. This implies that the solid is not pure and must be a mixture. The other components of the mixture must have remained in solution accounting for the loss in mass of solid obtained.
For sample B, we are told that boiling started at 66.2°C and continued until 76.0°C. The implication of this is that B must be a mixture since it boils over a range of temperatures. Pure substances have a sharp boiling point.
oxygen and silicon, both are common