Read the point and the chart below. Point: Gilgamesh has the bravery and strength to triumph in battle. Chart with quoted eviden
ce from the epic poem Gilgamesh of Gilgamesh's bravery and strength. The chart has an area to add paraphrased evidence. Which statement best completes the blank in this chart? Gilgamesh yells, lifts his massive axe, and swings it aggressively at Humbaba’s neck three times. Humbaba suffers great blood loss before staggering and toppling to the ground like a cedar tree. Gilgamesh fiercely attacks Humbaba repeatedly with his axe until the monster topples and crashes to the ground. Humbaba is severely injured by the attack, as evidenced by the fact that the axe cut through flesh and bone
Answer: "Gilgamesh fiercely attacks Humbaba repeatedly with his axe until the monster topples and crashes to the ground." This quote seems to reflect his bravery and strength the most because he continues to relentlessly attack and in this sentence he is able to cause the monster to fall to the ground and give a subtle hint he's likely to be defeated soon.
It was the revolution which occurred in October 1917. It was led by Petrograd Soviet and the Bolshevik Party under the leadership of Lenin. A military Revolutionary Committee was appointed by the Soviet under Leon Trotskii to organise the seizure