<u>appeals</u> I just took the unit test review
The military fascism in Myanmar made the country's GDP stagnate. While its neighbors economy is a prospect, Myanmar monetary benefit just has a place with the hands of the military tip-top; widespread debasement was expanding. Notwithstanding rich normal assets, the economy stayed provincial with just a couple of individuals owning autos and electronic gadgets.
The characteristics of Nepalese family are: The Nepalese family shares sympathy, help, co-operation, love and respect, justice, democratic values and religious beliefs. The Nepalese family gives love affection, care, attention and production to the children, adults and disables in the family.
A group leader who allows complete freedom for discussions and decisions, but participates in neither is a <span>laissez faire leader.</span>
The population of Brazil is very diverse, comprising many races and ethnic groups. In general, Brazilians trace their origins from three sources: Europeans, Amerindians and Africans. Historically, Brazil has experienced large degrees of ethnic and racial admixture, assimilation of cultures and syncretism.