The sailed off from England, eventually landing in Cape Cod
1) Breaking the Watergate story- After the break-in to the Democratic National Convention building, investigative reports began to research who was involved behind this break-in. This lead to one of the biggest journalistic events in US history. Thanks to the work of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, President Richard Nixon was exposed as being aware of this break-in and actually had a part in organizing it. This news story shocked America, as a president has never been linked to such an incident.
2) Release of the Pentagon Papers- These previously classified documents were released by different newspaper organizations (like the New York Times and Washington Post). This showed that the government had been lying to the American public about the progress being made in the Vietnam War.
Marbury v. Madison (1803) was a Supreme Court case that settled the principle of judicial review in the United States, determining that American courts hold the authority to strike down laws, statutes, and some government actions that contradict the U.S. Constitution.
This decision established that the U.S. Constitution is an actual law, not merely a declaration of political principles, and helped set the boundary separating the executive and judicial branches of government.
It was one of America's best trading routes, it was used as a commercial, military, and immigrant trail. And then in 18-something they started building it into a train track... I think.