#1- the percentage is 2.77%
#2 - 218.1336g
#3- 7.89%
#4- 63.8489g
#5- 136.1406g
#6- 340.3515g
#7- 2.387238
Answer : The chemical symbol for the element that results from this process is, (Ar) for argon.
Explanation :
Electron capture : In this decay process, a parent nuclei absorbs an electron and gets converted into a neutron. Simply, a proton and an electron combines together to form a neutron. Mass number does not change in this process.
The equation for the given reaction is,
Thus, the chemical symbol for the element that results from this process is, argon (Ar).
While solar power does produce carbon dioxide emissions in the manufacturing processes required to produce panels and batteries, it does not produce CO2 while converting solar energy to electrical energy.
The correct answer is 1atm.
What is Kinetic theory of gases?</h3>
A lot of the fundamental ideas of thermodynamics were established with the help of the kinetic theory of gases, a straightforward yet historically significant classical model of the thermodynamic behaviour of gases. According to the model, a gas is made up of numerous identical submicroscopic particles (atoms or molecules) that are all moving rapidly and randomly. It is considered that they are substantially smaller in size than the particle spacing on average. Random elastic collisions between the particles and with the container's walls occur between the particles. The simplest form of the model only takes into account the interactions within the ideal gas.
learn more about Kinetic theory of gases refer:
Another name for chemical change would be chemical reaction.