2. The endosymbiotic theory suggests that a eukaryotic cell is the result of one prokaryotic cell eating another.
Between 1962 and 1971, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) channeled the Kissimmee River and created a 30-foot deep, 300-foot wide, 56 mile long drainage canal (C-38). This project converted 44% of the floodplain to pasture, draining approximately 31,000 acres of wetlands. Before channelization, the River was a haven for wildlife, including at least 39 species of fish and 38 species of water birds.
Kissimmee River Restoration began in 1992 and has been the most successful ecosystem restoration initiative to date. By re-channelizing the River to replicate its natural paths, birds and other wildlife responded more quickly than anticipated and demonstrated the resiliency of nature. This success has been used all over the world to justify the value of ecosystem restoration. When Kissimmee River Restoration is completed in 2015, more than 40 square miles of the River-floodplain ecosystem will be restored, including almost 20,000 acres of wetlands and 44 miles of historic river channel.
It also contains green pigment, in addition they contain various yellowish carotenoids the blue pigment, red pigment, brown, yellow and black pigments. That is what i think.
This is a type III hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immune complex deposits. Immune complexes are antigen-antibody (commonly IgG) complexes that are soluble and prone to deposition in multiple organs. Once immune complexes are deposited in an organ, neutrophils and macrophages will then attack the organ causing organ damage and eventually failure. Type III hypersensitivity reactions are characteristic in SLE and other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Other types are type I hypersensitivity which are mediated by mast cells and histamine with the involvement of IgE and this commonly happens in allergic reactions. Type II hypersensitivity is cytotoxic hypersensitivity wherein antibodies directly attack organs (not forming immune complexes). Type IV hypersensitivity (or cell-mediated toxicity) involves T-lymphocytes. This is a delayed type of hypersensitivity exemplified by reactions from <em>M. tuberculosis</em> bacilli in tuberculous disease.