In a medical procedure, it is essential to report if the patient needed an additional care or service that is more than the standard procedure or care. This is essential for all qualified healthcare providers and professionals. Based on the fact sheet in Modifier 25, the answer to the question above is true.
Things of the same species have similar morphology and can INTERBREED
The correct answer is B: The cells will have 2n chromosomes and be diploid.
Diploid cell have two of each chromosome, one from each parent. When diploid cell undergoes mitosis, the result is two identical diploid cells (when haploid cell undergoes mitosis the result is haploid cell). This means that during the mitosis, cells reproduce genetically identical copies of themselves.
Water helps your body maintain your body functions and regulates the temperature of your body and you lose water by doing activities by running, sweating and digesting its important to high drat all the time. Its important and re hydrate and eat food that have water in them like apples is an example.