(Haloperidol decanoate is a depot medication, given intramuscularly every 2 to 4 weeks. It is unknown whether the patient has a support system. The patient probably received education, including written instructions prior to discharge. Changing to another classification of medication would not necessarily improve compliance.)
No it is not a slow poison. And it is very efficient for body builders.
This has to to with bodybuilders' diet policies and protein count. Usually professional bodybuilders consume 200-300 grams of protein each day. Egg whites are one of best and leanest sources of protein
Your immune system uses a huge army of defender cells - different types of white blood cell. You make about 1000 million of them every day in your bone marrow. Some of these cells, called macrophages, constantly patrol your body, destroying germs as soon as they enter. This is your 'natural' or inborn immunity. But if an infection begins to take hold, your body fights back with an even more powerful defence of T- and B-cells. They give you acquired immunity, so that the same germ can never make you as ill again.