Every slice of the bread, contains a number of blister like pores. These blister like pores suggests that the air or some gas might be present there. In case, the bread has no air, the surface of the bread must be smooth rather than rough.
The bread is formed by the fermentation of the sugar molecules present in the dough with the help of yeast. These blisters like structure on the bread is present due to the gas produced during fermentation.
Bacterial infections were much harder to treat a long time ago because we didn't have the same technology or information that we do now. because we have worked so long on treating different things we have learned what works and what doesnt. the new technology has helped us understand the infection which led to us being able to find medication to treat said infection.
Yeah that's possible in some rare cases
C. <em>Clostridium</em> and <em>Bacillus</em>.
<em>Bacillus </em>and <em>Clostridium</em> are the gram-positive bacteria and form endospores. Endospores are the resistant dormant structures formed by some gram-positive bacteria.
These bacteria form the endospores within their vegetative cells. The endospores are highly resistant to environmental stress conditions and make these bacterial genera the dangerous pathogens.
Marijuana is a psychoactive drug and it includes the dried leaves, seeds, stems and flowers, from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. Marijuana is a federal illegal drug and it contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); a compound that has intoxicating effects and other similar compounds. The use of marijuana during pregnancy can lead to damaging health consequences for both the mother and baby. Marijuana is associated with lower birth weight, and high risk of brain, and behavioral problems in babies.