What are you asking for don't get me wrong I will help just confused
Answer: The digestive tract starts by chewing and swallowing food. From there the food travels down the esophagus easily because it goes with a liquid Siliva enzyme. After, the food goes into the stomach where it is processed into a thick liquid called chyme. It then travels to the lower part of the stomach known as the atrium where it is ready to be released into the small intestine. The small intestine, or small bowel, is a hollow tube about 20 feet long that runs from the stomach to the beginning of the large intestine. The small intestine breaks down food from the stomach and absorbs much of the nutrients from the food. The food then travels to the large intestine where salts and sugars that could not be digested are absorbed. The rectum stores the stool, then the anus pushes it out in a bowl movement.
I wrote it all myself.
Migration is affected by various factors like age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, employment etc. People migrate to those places where they have better facilities of health services, educational services, transportation and communication and the life is easier.
Im not a hundred percent sure but i think no, they have similararities but no.
Heres why
X-rays, MRIs and CT scans have a few similarities. All three are a type of imaging scan. You can have both x-rays and CT scans completed within minutes. All three imaging tools can be used to help with the diagnosis of one or more medical conditions.