Mainly because it was extremely hot at the beginning of Earth's time.
Most of the fungi plants are saprophytic,so they use dead organic matter and converts it into inorganic compounds, which primary producers use in their metabolisms.
C. Medusa. Everything else on the list is a part of another creature, medusa is the only cnidarian here!
The enveloped viruses are resistant to disinfectants.
The outer covering or the envelope in the virus comes from the infected cell. This envelope is formed by the process called as budding off, from the host cell. The envelope that covers the virus provides resistance to various disinfectants and prevent virus from damage. The outer coat (envelope) is formed of a small part of cell membrane.
The virus that lyses and kills the cell immediately is less worse than the enveloped virus. The virus that kills cells immediately prevents the host cell from continuously synthesizing new virus particles. Thus, no more viral particles can be produced by the host cell. So, envelope viruses are worse that viruses that directly kills the host cell.
increases; protein denaturation occurs
One of the characteristic of enzymes is the sensitivity to temperature .
Enzymes are sensitive to the changes in the environmental temperature.The enzymatic activities increases with increase in temperature,up to the optimum of 37 degrees in most animals.
However,once the optimum temperature has been exceeded,enzyme activities drops.This is because below optimum the rate of collision between the enzyme active sites and substrate molecules is very high,therefore more products are formed which increases the rate of reactions.
At temperature above the optimum,the high temperature breaks the bonds,especially the hydrogen bonds holding the 3D structure of the active sites.Therefore,substrate molecules can not fit into the active site,and therefore enzymatic actives of the enzyme is affected,and the enzyme is said to be denatured