<span> is a </span>court summons<span> ordering the recipient to appear before the court and produce documents or other tangible </span>evidence<span> for use at a </span>hearing<span> or </span>trial<span>.</span>
d. intrinsically
Intrinsic motivation is when an individual is driven by internal rewards. This means that it depends on you.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
B. Logo Design
A logo design is a very important part of communicating a message to someone. When it comes to the consumers if you have a good logo that will convey a message that you are a high-quality provider of a given good and that they should shop in your stores. Or if there are a lot of signs in a street a good logo will catch the eye of a pedestrian in the sea of other logos.
Drinking any sort of alcohol slows reflexes
STRONGER would be your answer