It helps the cactus live a long time between rainstorms.
A thick, waxy coating keeps the water inside the cactus from evaporating.
Deforestation can affect the water cycle and the carbon cycle. It will decrease the amount of transpiration. It will also increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by releasing the carbon dioxide as trees are burned and by decreasing photosynthesis.
According to the Dietary guidelines for
America, men aged 19 and older should
consume an average of 2.640 calories and
women should consume an average of 1.785.
However, these numbers may vary according
to each person and their way of living. Some
bodies will need more than that and some
other less. that would depend on physical
activities and work among other things.
Employee data, promotion data, and vacation data
Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere naturally when organisms respire or decompose (decay), carbonate rocks are weathered, forest fires occur, and volcanoes erupt. Carbon dioxide is also added to the atmosphere through human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and forests and the production of cement.