The disadvantages of cloud back-ups are:
- It is relatively more expensive
- Its' efficiency depends totally on the speed of the internet service provider. If the provider of the service has slow bandwidth and the internet is slow, then it may take a very long time to retrieve the backups.
- Where there is no internet access at all, it becomes impossible to get the back-ups.
When companies opt to save a copy of their data on a location other than their physical location such as a remote server, it is referred to as Cloud-Backup. On-site back-ups on the other hand entail saving company data on a physical apparatus such as disks, drives, etc.
Data back-up is essential to maintain business continuity. If a business such as a telecommunications company lost all of its data including those of its customers, it most likely will go belly-up.
Another reason why people opt for Cloud-backup is that it saves the offers increased security and ease of maintenance.
The Security Exchange Act Rule 10b-5 says that the insider dealing is not allowed because it waives off the trust of the shareholders placed on the corporations. This means if their agents are not trustworthy then nobody is going to invest in the companies which means the corporations that are fulfilling needs of more than 50% of the world would have no existence in future because their is no one who is going to lend them money. So the act says that this insider dealing which enables the employees or directors of the company to gain undue advantage due to their access to management information is not allowed and is unethical stance of the agents.
The reason that the Ergoworld inc would agree when a modular system would offer greater value to Ergoworld if customers have heterogeneous demands which are expected to be met in a cost-effective way. They want the customers have a heterogeneous demands that they will expect to be met in a cost-effective way.