Mitochondrial DNA can be traced for generations. It is because of the fact that unlike nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA rarely gets mutated. The frequency of mutations in the mitochondrial DNA is approximately one every 3,500 years per nucleotide. That is why mitochondrial DNA of a person is almost similar to his/her direct maternal ancestor. So, it can be used to match lineages amongst people.
The right answer is false.
All the physical characteristics of an individual, which are at the basis of genetic characters (sometimes even epigenetic), are transmitted to his offspring.
Classical or monogenic Mendelian inheritance is based on the transmission of a single gene in a dominant, recessive mode, linked to the sex chromosome X (or Y), or more rarely mitochondrial (extranuclear) chromosome.
true after data collection you state your hypothesis
Some molecules are too big they cannot diffuse through the membrane, for example starch (glucose) molecules.