Ans; see attached file for calculation and answer
37° Celsius is equal to 98.6° Fahrenheit
The correct answer is 
The formula for the electron drift speed is given as follows,

where n is the number of of electrons per unit m³, q is the charge on an electron and A is the cross-sectional area of the copper wire and I is the current. We see that we already have A , q and I. The only thing left to calculate is the electron density n that is the number of electrons per unit volume.
Using the information provided in the question we can see that the number of moles of copper atoms in a cm³ of volume of the conductor is
. Converting this number to m³ using very elementary unit conversion we get
. If we multiply this number by the Avagardo number which is the number of atoms per mol of any gas , we get the number of atoms per m³ which in this case is equal to the number of electron per m³ because one electron per atom of copper contribute to the current. So we get,

if we convert the area from mm³ to m³ we get
.So now that we have n, we plug in all the values of A ,I ,q and n into the main equation to obtain,

which is our final answer.
q.1 : Air near candle gets heated up and after this it rises by convection so the thermometer B will receive more heat than the thermometer A So, according to the given condition thermometer B will show a greater rise in temperature.
q.2 : x is the pure sample of compound
. y is the pure sample of element
. z is the mixture of different elements
q.3 : the saliva contains an enzyme salivary amylase (ptyalin) which converts starch in roti into maltose, isomaltose and small dextrins called a-dextrin.