You start by transferring you un-used data to the secondary drive.
Since any even number divided by 2 has a remainder of 0, we can use modulo to determine the even-ess of a number. This can be used to make every other row in a table a certain color, for example.
Answer is C = Speaker
How? as the speaker is the only item on the list that displays any type of content, that being audio, it's the only feasible answer to this question.
Answer: True
Yes, the given statement is true that a DFA is equivalent to NFA in terms of power. For any type of NFA we can easily build an equal DFA so, the NFA are not much powerful as compared to DFA. Both NFA and DFA are characterized by a similar type of class.
DFA is a special case of NFA and They both defined in the same class of language. Each condition in the DFA get summarized by all the condition that the NFA has itself.