191200 / 24 hours in a day = 7966.67 people per hour
60 minutes in 1 hour
7966.67 / 60 = 132.78 people per minute round to 133 people
Required Probability = 0.605
Step-by-step explanation:
Let Probability of people actually having predisposition, P(PD) = 0.03
Probability of people not having predisposition, P(PD') = 1 - 0.03 = 0.97
Let PR = event that result are positive
Probability that the test is positive when a person actually has the predisposition, P(PR/PD) = 0.99
Probability that the test is positive when a person actually does not have the predisposition, P(PR/PD') = 1 - 0.98 = 0.02
So, probability that a randomly selected person who tests positive for the predisposition by the test actually has the predisposition = P(PD/PR)
Using Bayes' Theorem to calculate above probability;
P(PD/PR) =
= 0.605 .
The mass of the Afghan Hound is exactly what is predicted by the line of best fit.
son: 12 daniel: 32
Step-by-step explanation:
daniel is 26 in 6 years he would be 32
son is 3x younger in 6 years so 32 divided by 3 would be 10.6 (11 if estimated)