C) All factors other than the price of bananas (for example, consumer tastes and incomes) are assumed to be constant
When developing an economic model, only a limited number of variables can be taken into account for the sake of simplicity and understanding. Economic models never give a full picture of reality, only an approach.
The economic model alluded in the question is perhaps the most famous of all: the supply and demand model. It tells us that, assuming all else constant, the higher price, the less quantity is demanded, and the lower the price, the more quantity is demanded.
Can someone help me with my questions
Una Constitución (del latín constitutio, -ōnis)1 es un texto codificado de carácter jurídico-político, fruto de un poder constituyente, que tiene el propósito de constituir la separación de poderes, definiendo y creando los poderes constituidos (legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial),2 que antes de la constitución estaban unidos o entremezclados, define sus respectivos controles y equilibrios (checks and balances),3 además es la ley fundamental de un Estado, con rango superior al resto de normas jurídicas, fundamentando (según el normativismo) todo el ordenamiento jurídico, incluye el régimen de los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos y delimita los poderes e instituciones de la organización política.
Bauxite is a natural resource import to Australia's economy.
1) amendment 1
2) amendment 3
3) amendment 5
4) amendment 4
5) amendment 1
6) amendment 8
7) amendment 10
8) amendment 2
9) amendment 3
10) amendment 1
1) freedom to assemble
2) right to not house soldiers
3) no double jeopardy
4) no searches without warrants
5) freedom of religion
6) no excessive punishment
7) states have rights not listed in constitution or federal government
8) right to bear arms
9) right to not house soldiers
1) freedom of speech and press