Ways to fill 60 minutes
30-minute bike ride plus 30 minutes of free play (e.g. climbing trees, playing on the monkey bars, playing tag with friends) 60-minute basketball, volleyball, hockey, or soccer practice (assuming the practice is well organized and the kids are not simply standing around for long periods)
Living things need water in their cells. Water is the universal solvent - most of the chemicals a cell needs is dissolved and transported in water. Water is an environment where chemical reactions can occur and water is needed in many of those reactions - like the hydrolysis reaction (needed in the break down of food molecules). If a cell becomes dehydrated chemical reactions slow down. Chemical balance of the cell is changed as waste materials are not removed fast enough, food is not broken down, etc. Water also helps regulate the heat that can build up in a cell during chemical reactions. A dehydrated cell = increase in cell temp. Water content of a cell also affects the pH of a cell environment. Certain reactions occur better at certain pH. Homeostasis is maintaining a balance with the the environment. Without water the balance is upset.
Answer: C. Melatonin.
Explanation: Melatonin is the hormone responsible for sleep and wake cycles. :)
Answer: Lean body mass
Lean Body Mass is
the total weight of your body; it includes the weight of all your organs, skin,
bones, protein content, body water and your muscles minus all the weight due to
your fat mass.
Therefore, any change in the
weight of any of these can be recorded as changes in Lean Body Mass. Moreover,
this describes fat-free mass of your body, which means lean.</span>