Photographs show only the most important features for a given purpose
This is because photographs can focus on landmarks in the area and not the continent's shape or nature present. In other words, aerial photographs focus on buildings and human made structures while maps do not.
The raw materials along with the finished goods which are sold directly to the retailers are what is tracked by the PPI.
PPI which is the Producer Price Index is really a price index which tracks that is measures the changes in prices over time that are received by domestic producers for the output. The PPI does not track most of the services and the final consumer goods but instead raw materials and the goods that go to the retailers.
Answer and Explanation:
This means that a theory which leads to imposing moral standards universally without regard to people's historical and psychological differences are based off of subjectivism and lack any form of thorough investigation(normative science). This is self explanatory in the question where it says "...postulates moral truths enunciated by self-evident intuitions that are unchangeable". Moral standards such as this are mostly based on traditions that are subjective and are not given to transparency. This is opposed to when questions may be asked and investigations come into play as to why a particular moral opinion is taken enabling a society appreciate or understand a moral stance based on it's historical, cultural or psychological origins.
I'm sure that what that is
According to Piaget's framework, Ernesto can't conserve and Lara can <em>conserve</em>. According to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development conservation of matter is a process. Ernesto has seen the changes in the dough but he thinks there is more matter. On the other hand, Lara has seen the changes too, but she realized that the amount of dough is the same before and after the changes. No dough was added or taken from the original amount. This is called reversibility and is a necessary condition to acquire conservation.