When the material collides with the Earth's magnetic field and trapped radiation belts, it can dump particles into our upper atmosphere to cause the Aurora.
When this distorted magnetic field eventually snaps back, it accelerates electrified particles towards the Earth.
Cellular respiration is the term given to the metabolic reactions responsible for the conversion of biochemical energy in nutrients to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) with the generation of waste productions. ATP is required to provide the chemical energy to reactions in the cell that maintain homeostasis.
Gastrin: stomach,
Insulin- pancreas,
Glucagon-pancreas. etc</h2>
1. Gastrin: secreted by stomach stimulating activity of the stomach
2. CCK: secreted by SI stimulating secretion of pancreatic enzymes; contraction of gallbladder and pyloric sphincter and inhibitory effects on stomach
3. Secretin: secreted by SI if material entering SI is acidic, triggering secretion of HCO₃-
4. Insulin: produced by beta-cells of pancreas and
stimulates storage of glucose in liver and muscle and it causes re-uptake of glucose when blood-sugar is high, lowering blood sugar
5. Glucagon- produced by alpha-cells of pancreas and
it stimulates release of glucose from liver when blood-sugar is low, and results in raising blood sugar.
please can you show the image