It really depends on how you look at after the fight with Germany ended we were still fighting Japan but the U.S dropped 2 atomic bombs killing over 360,000 people they did it without telling the allies because they wanted to send a message to Russia basically saying that we have these types of weapons don’t mess with us basically a flex. After the bombs were dropped the war ended but I don’t believe justice was served because the U.S committed a war crime by dropping those bombs and they did it for research purposes because as soon as the war ended they sent over researchers to go collect data on what happened and how it effected the people. There is a lot more in depth stuff that will make my argument more strong but if I type all that out I will be here all day. Over all I don’t believe justice was served but that’s everyone’s own opinion.
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De-individuation is the concept of social psychology. It is generally called the loss of general awareness. in a group of people. This is also called the matter of resistance. Many of the social psychologists have studied the concepts if de-individuation but in a different manner.
But on the other hand, the social psychologist is based on the context of the social situation. The social psychologist focused on the internal process of the psychological well being. The sociology focused on the context of the economic, political and social factors.
<h3>The good thing about globalization is all about the efficiencies and opportunities open markets create. Business can communicate efficiently and effectively with their partners, suppliers, and customers and manage better their supplies, inventories, and distribution network.</h3><h3>Negative impacts of globalisation. Critics include groups such as environmentalists, anti-poverty campaigners and trade unionists. Globalisation operates mostly in the interests of the richest countries, which continue to dominate world trade at the expense of developing countries.</h3><h3></h3><h3>Hope this helps, sorry if not tho</h3>