The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of neurons. This system is responsible for sending, receiving, and interpreting information from all parts of the body. The nervous system monitors and coordinates internal organ function and responds to changes in the external environment.
• Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. All cells of the nervous system are comprised of neurons. Neurons contain nerve processes which are "finger-like" projections that extend from the nerve cell body. The nerve processes consist of axons and dendrites which are able to conduct and transmit signals.
• The brain is the control center of the body. One of these furrows, the medial longitudinal fissure, divides the brain into left and right hemispheres. Covering the brain is a protective layer of connective tissue known as the meninges.
• The spinal cord runs down the center of the protective spinal column extending from the neck to the lower back. Spinal cord nerves transmit information from body organs and external stimuli to the brain and send information from the brain to other areas of the body.
Examine the leaves of a palm tree. Which statement most specifically describes a palm tree?
Palm trees are monocots.
Palm trees are angiosperms.
Palm trees are flowering plants.
Those three features best describes a palm tree, they are angiosperms because they produces seeds and flowers
Ecosystem services are the goods and services that biodiversity provides. They include soil formation, the provision of food and fibre, air quality and climate regulation, the regulation of water supply and quality and the cultural and aesthetic value of certain plants and species.
Answer and Explanation:
Example of a food-web:
(1) Algae --> (2) Protozoas --> (3) Krill --> (4) Cephallopods --> (5) Medium sized dolphin --> (6) Large Dolphin
The trophic web is the process of energy transference through a series of organisms, in which every organism feeds on the preceding one and becomes food for the next one.
1) The first link is an autotroph organism or producer, such as a vegetable, that can synthesize organic matter from inorganic matter. In this example, the autotroph organisms are algae, that make use of sunlight and inorganic matter.
The next links are the consumers:
2) Herbivores are primary consumers and feed on producers. In this example, herbivore organisms are protozoan.
3) Krills are the secondary consumers and feed on protozoans.
4) Some species of cephalopods feed on krill, among other species.
5) Specialized Cetaceans such as the Risso´s dolphin, feed especially on cephalopods, as they lack upper teeth and they only have a few teeth in their jaws.
6) The killer whale is a big sized-dolphin and a very important predator. It feeds on many animals, and one of them is the Risso´s dolphin.
Dinosaurs, based on recent studies show that they were larger animals and its not possible now for a bird to be the same height or weight as a dinosaur back then