1) Think clearly before sending a message. 2) Write what you think to recheck or correct your word. 3) Make sure your message are receive to right person.
Further Explanation:
1. Think clearly:
You may be the boss or supervisor, but that doesn’t always mean you will have the correct thought. All things considered, people are relying upon you to be correct practically all of the time.
So before you send out an important message, share it with a couple of reliable people who understand your business and are not the intended recipient. If they understand what you mean and think it’s a good idea, then you’re starting off on the right foot
2. Write what you think:
Obviously not every person is extraordinary at putting their ideas into words.
A shorthand description of an idea, the use of a three-letter abbreviation that many people do not understand, or a typographical error can all help create a gap between what you meant to say and what your beneficiary peruses.
3. Make sure you and the recipient see eye-to-eye:
Even if you have done all this, you still have room for exchange errors.
That's because people who read your email may not get through knowledge what you had as purpose, or they might not see your note as something that's as important as you have in mind that it is.
You can see this in the move you get to your note. If they answer by having effect you the details of what they have done and you are happy with the outcome, then you can note your exchange a good outcome.
4. Follow up until the right thing happens:
People are busy. If you ask someone to do something, he or she will decide when to do it based on how your request fits his or her priorities. If person reports directly to you or their boss/supervisor do, then the request is going to make it really high on the priority list.
Subject: Health
Level: High School
Keywords: Think clearly, Write what you think, Make sure you and the recipient see eye-to-eye, Follow up until the right thing happens.
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