The atoms become cations because they have lost electrons and the atoms and has a positive charge then atoms become a ions because they have gained electrons from cations and has a negative charge
Burning fossil fuels and deforestation is disturbingly heightened in Africa with almost no viable measure taking to control it's effect. No effective programs are presently in place to control excessive tree falling used for herbs, firewood, charcoal business and a whole lot. Below standard carbon rating PMS are in high circulation with fumes, carbon monoxide is full abundance in the atmosphere. Presently, all these unchecked activities have resulted into unexplainable excessive increase in temperatures, breeding neck twisting diseases, severe skin infections, dehydration and increase diabetes. Drought has eaten up landlocked cities in Nigeria and Central Africa. Infact farmers have lost count of the usual natural cycle of rainfall and the beginning of each farming season due to this essential evil of climate change
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
in the process of respiration, oxygen and glucose react to form carbon dioxide and water.
Plants, algae, and a group of bacteria called cyanobacteria are the only organisms capable of performing photosynthesis