Carrying capacity
Carrying capacity is the limit to which a population can grow with the resources (food, water, oxygen, habitat space, etc.) are available to support them. Once they reach the maximum population that the environment can support, they reach their carrying capacity.
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is basically a condition wherein the human body is incapable of digesting food due to lack of digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is found in humans affected with cystic fibrosis and Shwachman- Diamond Syndrome and is also common among dogs. The consequences or side effects of this medical condition are the following:
a) frequent diarrhea
b) gassy stomach and bloating
c)stomach pain
d) greasy and foul smelling stools
e)weight loss
Jobs. Like a snow blowing company. They would not have that in Puerto Rico. But Canada might. Because they have a different enviornment.
To calculate the water's salinity
by Elena