If you're referring to one mammal in particular, then it should be the mitosis of body cells. Body cells do not perform meiosis as that is only for gamete production, therefore, it only happens in sex cells. In contrast, body cells will create identical copies of themselves so the organism can grow through mitosis. I hope that helps!
- Two predictors to measure biodiversity: Species Richness and Simpson's Index
- Biodiversity increases ecosystem stability
- It has been shown that natural ecosystems are more stable than monocultures, while isolated human populations are found in highly diverse ecosystems
Two major predictors to measure biodiversity are: 1-species richness and the 2-Simpson's index. The species richness is a count for the total number of the species in a given habitat and/or ecosystem; while Simpson's index is a similarity index that indicates the likelihood that two different individuals selected at random from a sample will belong to the same species, thereby also estimating the biodiversity of a habit and/or ecosystem. Simpson's index takes into consideration the number of species and the abundance of each species. Ecosystems with high diversity tend to be more stable and resilient than ecosystems with low diversity. Biodiversity increases ecosystem stability due to the species asynchrony, which is a strong driver capable of stabilizing multiple processes/functions in the ecosystems over time (e.g., the productivity of the ecosystems over time). In this regard, it has been shown that forests that are highly diverse in the number of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures (i.e., agricultural crops), while isolated human populations live in sustainable ecosystems, it is for that reasons that isolated tribes are only found in highly diverse ecosystems.
The genes that the child inherited from the parents is the SS gene
The genetic composition of the haemoglobin genotype is given by two gene variants; A which is dominant and S which is recessive. As such, an individual can be AA, AS or SS. Individuals that are AA and AS do not show traits of the disease, but SS individuals have sickle cell anaemia.
From this example, since both parents have no symptoms and their child have sickle cell, their genotypes most likely were AS and AS. Let me show you how:
From the cross above, there is a 1 in 4 chance that if both parents were AS, their child will be SS. Any other composition from the parents will not produce an SS offspring. Hence the genes that the child inherited from the parents is the SS gene.
It is a transgenic organism