You own a flower shop. You regularly order roses and carnations and want to check the pricing. You cannot find the pricing infor
mation but have these invoices. 10 boxes of carnations 5 boxes of roses
12 boxes of carnations 10 boxes of roses
total 370$ total 225$
Write and solve a system of equations to find the price of each box of roses and carnations. Be sure to define your variables.
Answer: One box of carnations costs $10 and one box of roses cost $25.
Step-by-step explanation: You will have three variables in this; c for carnations, r for roses, and t for total. Your equation will look like this: 10c+25r=t; The ten and twenty-five are the amount it costs for one box of carnations and roses.
Since 12oz of ale contains 124 calories, you have to divide 124 by 12 to find how many calories are in 1 oz of ale. then you multiply 10.33 by 10 to find how many calories are in a 10oz glass of ale.