The correct answer is -
1. totipotent
2 multipotent
3. pluripotent
The cells that are able to develop or differentiate a different kind of cells in the body of the individual are known as totipotent cells and this ability is known as totipotency. An example of such cells is found in the zygote.
Multipotent on the other hand are the cells that are able to develop into a specific kind of cell of tissues these cells are present and the example of this type of cell is adult stem cells. Whereas Embryonic stem cells are Pluripotent cells that are characterized as the cells that develop into any type of cell of the body of an organism.
4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder
Load 12 ul on the gel.
DNA Ladder concentration = 1000 ug/ml
1000 ug DNA in 1 ml DNA Ladder solution → 150 ng DNA = 0.15 ug DNA in..... 0.00015 ml = 0.15 ul DNA Ladder solution
6x DNA Loading Buffer → it has to be diluted by an equal volume 6 times (1 ul LB + 1 ul distilled H2O)
An appropriate volume to load on an average agarose gel is 12 ul, so:
2 ul Loading Buffer + 9.85 ul dH2O + 0.15 ul DNA Ladder = 12 ul
But since 0.15 ul is a very small volume and mistakes could be made while measuring it, let's make double:
4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder = 24 ul
And load half of that solution (12 ul) on the gel.
CK12, bioninja, and amoeba sisters on yt
They are really helful!!
For one to form, there needs to be warm ocean water and moist, humid air in the region. When humid air is flowing upward at a zone of low pressure over warm ocean water, the water is released from the air as creating the clouds of the storm. As it rises, the air in a hurricane rotates.
In short pressure zones over warm ocean
they do have a lot of traits in common as adult.