Magma that flows then cools on the earth's surface fast enough that there is no time for any crystals to form on the rocks and are as smooth as glass.
S phase
The S is short for synthesis, which means that DNA is being replicated. This is one of the stages of interphase, when the cell is growing and getting ready to divide. Well, this is the getting ready to divide part of interphase; the cell needs to duplicate its DNA so it has enough to divide out to daughter cells.
A diploid cell is a cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes. This is double the haploid chromosome number. Each pair of chromosomes in a diploid cell is considered to be a homologous chromosome set. A homologous chromosome pair consists of one chromosome donated from the mother and one from the father.
In CONVECTION, heat energy is carried by the movement of particles of matter. In CONDUCTION, heat is transferred by particles vibrating. In RADIATION, heat is carried directly by electromagnetic waves. When a hot object touches a cool object, heat moves from the hot one to the cool one.
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Introns are non-coding regions of a DNA that removed by RNA splicing prior to translation. Alignment is usually done between sequences to see and understand the identity and similarity between two or more sequences.
A region/base is said to be conserved if there is NO change in any base in that particular region. A multiple sequence alignment (MSA) can be used to align the donor sites of all the introns to see the bases that have not "changed" (and still remained in there exact position) hence conserved across all the donor sites.
NOTE: The donor site of an intron is the 5' end, thus the first five bases in the 5' end are to be used here