El derecho a la posesión de armas consiste en el derecho a la tenencia, uso y transporte de armas, con fines como legítima defensa, deportivos, cinegéticos (como medio de supervivencia o deporte), escolta privada o de otra naturaleza, sin perjuicio de otras actividades legales que pudieran realizarse con las mismas.
a test of your school knowledge
A bill can be introduced in either chamber of Congress by a senator or representative who sponsors it. ... The president can approve the bill and sign it into law or not approve (veto) a bill. If the president chooses to veto a bill, in most cases Congress can vote to override that veto and the bill becomes a law.
1. A member of the House of Representatives or a citizen comes up with an idea.
2. The bill is passed to a standing committee of the US House of Representatives.
The idea is made into a bill and then sent to the relevant committee of the House of Rep.
3. The approved bill is sent to the House floor.
The relevant committee reviews the bill, discusses it and makes mark-ups. If approved it is sent back to the House floor.
4. The members of the House of Representatives discuss the idea.
Bill is discussed and amended on the floor.
5. The members of the House of Representatives vote on the bill.
The members of the House of Representatives will then vote on the bill. It will pass if a majority vote for it.
6. The bill is sent to the US Senate
As the bill was introduced in the House, it will then be sent to the Senate to be voted on.
7. The US Senate votes on the bill.
The Senators will discuss the bill and then vote on it. A majority is needed to pass it.
8. The bill moves to the President of the United States to get signed.
If the bill clears the Senate, it is sent to the President to get signed. President can either sign or veto the bill.