The geologic time scale which simplifies earth's long history is broad division of deep time. It consists of a large and small divisions.
- The geologic time scale is divided into large broad categories; called eons, eras, period and epoch.
- The scale is merges absolute dating of events that has happened in geologic past and their relative ages.
- Broad categories on the scale are further simplified into smaller units.
- Relative age puts events in the order of their appearance using a couple of geologic principles.
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A little on geology brainly.com/question/5751004
fossils brainly.com/question/9415077
The unsaturated zone is the portion of the subsurface above the groundwater table. The soil and rock in this zone contains air as well as water in its pores. ... Unlike the aquifers of the saturated zone below, the unsaturated zone is not a source of readily available water for human consumption
The correct answer is 7 I just took the test :)
Lol i need to answer more and plus n could also = # 4.65
go to a calculator and see the answer then make the hypothisis which is the answer