The Relationship Between the Three Tiers of Government – Federal, State, and Local Government.
n a federation, the three tiers of government, Federal, State, and Local, work independently but concurrently. They work hand in hand, all for the smooth running of the federation.
They just serve 6-year terms, can’t really explain that.
A. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
A is the answer. B is incorrect because the U.S. Circuit Courts (not to be confused with the CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS) were the direct predecessor to the Circuit Court of Appeals. C is incorrect because the question is asking about the federal court system, not the Floridian court system. D is incorrect because there is no such thing as U.S. District Courts of Appeals.
On February 24, 1969, the Supreme Court ruled in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District that students at school retain their First Amendment right to free speech. The story of this landmark case begins four years prior, during the early wave of protests against the Vietnam War.