Intensity is the brightness of a color. When a color is not mixed with any black or white it is at full intensity; Also called a pure hue. You can also change the intensity of a color by adding its complimentary color.
Hope this helps
Question options:
State Machine
Global Exception Handler
Uipath is an RPA(Robotic process automation) software that is used by IT professionals and business executives in automating routine or iterative tasks in an organization. Uipath process projects incorporate different workflow types which include :sequence, flowchart, state machine and global exception handler. The sequence workflow type is used for simple linear projects that are not very complex and occupies a single activity block.
data source
The main aim of a data source is for the gathering of all necessary information that is needed to access a data. Since he has used the information to create a pie chart, this means that some data were used for the creation of this pie chart. Hence the information used for the creation of the pie chart is the data source for the information illustrated on the pie chart.
In an if...else statement, if the code in the parenthesis of the if statement is true, the code inside its brackets is executed. But if the statement inside the parenthesis is false, all the code within the else statement's brackets is executed instead.
Of course, the example above isn't very useful in this case because true always evaluates to true. Here's another that's a bit more practical:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int n = 2;
if(n == 3) { // comparing n with 3 printf("Statement is True!\n");
else { // if the first condition is not true, come to this block of code
printf("Statement is False!\n"); } return 0;
Statement is False!
What are the three main technical support options for Microsoft users. Find It Myself, Ask the Community, <u>The "Fix a Problem" section of's PC support page provides information on Reversing Damages and </u><u>MISTAKES.</u>