The French and Indian War, which took place between 1754-1763, began due to a conflict between England and France over control of the Ohio River Valley. Both sides wanted the valley so they could expand their settlements into the area.
The answer is 'B'.
Perestroika was a Soviet policy to make the economy more open to foreign competition and individual citizens.
Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to reconstruct the economic system of the Communist Party.
Example: Ending price controls
Glasnost refers to the government becoming more open.
A leader goes against the will of the people
A totalitarian government is one in which the government seizes absolute control of the life of citizens, and suppresses their free will because it seeks to achieve a specific goal. The totalitarian government harnesses all means and resources to achieve its goals. Anything or anyone not aligning with the same purpose is condemned and most times punished. Peoples previous belief system could become suspected by the government if they feel that these do not align with their goals.
A resultant effect of this type of government is the fact that the leader does not consider the will of the people and things are done in a forceful manner. An example of this type of government is Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler.
because people are just making up things i could even make up something up like this.