The distance between Albany and Buffalo along the I90 is 288.8 mi.
The speed of Fabio is 62 mph.
After 1.5 hours, he is 221 miles from Albany.
Things we can calculate here:
Using the relation:
Distance = time*speed.
We can calculate the number of miles that he moved in that 1.5 hours.
D = 62mph*1.5h = 93mi.
If after 1.5 hours, he was 221 miles Albany, then before that he was 93 miles closer to Albany.
His initial position was:
221 - 93 = 128 miles away from Albany.
Now we also can calculate the time left to arrive at Buffalo.
We know that the distance between Albany and Buffalo is 288.8 mi
And he is 221 mi away from Albany.
Then the distance left to Buffalo is:
288.8mi - 221mi = 67.8mi
And the time left will be:
Distance/speed = time
67.8mi/62mph = 1.1 hours.
He needs to drive for another 1.1 hours to get to Buffalo.