Answer: The ocean dissolves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and it is used by phytoplankton during photosynthesis.
Lipid Bilayer.A plasma membrane is made up of Lipid Bilayers, which consists of polar phosphate heads, which are hydrophilic or water loving, and non-polar fatty acid tails, which are hydrophobic. Proteins are embedded in the membrane as well.Cell membranes are known to have holes, or selective permeable.
Multicellular organisms can be described as an organism which is made up of multiple cells. A unicellular organism is made up of only a single cell. Multicellular organisms are complex organisms as they are made up of more than one cell. Unicellular organisms are simple organisms as they constitute of only a single cell.
Examples of a multicellular organism include humans, elephants, bats, rats, cats etc.
Example of a unicellular organism is bacteria.