Some of the measures one can take to free themselves from addiction are a steady job, creative work, avoiding the source of addiction and the company of addicts, surrounding oneself with support and love, and, if possible, getting professional help.
Individual who is suffering from the addiction problem of any kind (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, etc.) can take the precautionary measurements to free themselves:
- <u>Stay away from the source of the addiction</u> – this means <u>avoiding whatever provokes their addiction</u>, the substance or activity, and the places where they are performed and consumed
- <u>Stay away from the company of other addicts</u> – people who suffer from addiction often are part of the group which encourages that type of behavior. <u>The individual should leave the group, avoid people who suffer from addiction</u>, and find better surroundings that will encourage safe and responsible behavior.
- <u>Find support in friends and family</u> – as mentioned, <u>the support is important,</u> and one should get surrounded by people who can back them up and help them fight addictive behavior. <u>These connections should be full of harmony, communication, love, and respect for feelings. </u>
- <u>Have a steady job</u> – Job is one of the best ways not only to <u>keep the person occupied but to introduce them to a healthy society and healthy behavior</u>. Finding a good job can be encouraging and provoke good feelings that will help in avoiding sources of addiction and the need for it.
- <u>Engage in creative work</u> – many programs that help people fight addiction include creative work<u>. It has been proven this is a good strategy to channel the emotions and get occupied, while also making something of value. </u>
- <u>If possible, get professional help from a therapist, clinic, or design program</u> – the professional help is not readily available for everyone, and can often be expensive, b<u>ut if it is possible one should approach professionals who work on fighting the addiction.</u> These people or programs should be trustworthy, one should feel safe and cared for by the therapists and doctors, and they should come from the individual’s own wish to get better.
Drugs are dangerous when driving because it can decrease your reaction time. It can disturb your focus and how you estimate your distance and time.
I'm not really sure what the question is. If you are asking which of the citizens are politicians, then I believe the answer is both citizens 2 and 3. Only citizen 1 answered the question, while the other two changed the topic by accusing citizen 1.
b. the intuitive decision-making model.
The intuitive decision-making model refers to the ability to gather information that other individuals may miss, in other words it is called as the sixth sense. Something in your "guts" tell you which could be the satisfactory decision to make. This is utilized when we don't have much time to use analytics or facts in order to make a decision.
In this example, when the goal of the decision making exercise is to make a satisfactory decision limited in time, you should utilize b. the intuitive decision-making model.