You need to consider what exactly you will be using the software for, there are many different softwares and they all have different purposes.
Hope this helps you out Answer: Greater security
Server maintains better relationship with server at everry time. So it gives maximum of security and reliability against unauthorised access
2 Consider the sequence of keys (5,16,22,45,2,10,18,30,50,12,1). Draw the result of inserting entries with these keys (in the gi
Juliette [100K]
A) (2,4) tree
- Insertion of key 45 makes key unbalanced and this is because it violates the 2,4 tree so we split the node
- insertion of key 10 makes key unbalanced and this is because it violates the 2,4 tree so we split the node
B) Red-black tree
The diagrams for the solutions are attached showing the results of inserting entries
I would tell said individual to stop what they’re trying to tell me because if it’s not stuff I should know about or want to hear about then I don’t wanna hear any of it