The answer is A. anther and ovary.
The female part of an angiosperm flower is called a pistil and it consists of a style, stigma and ovary. The male part of an angiosperm flower is called a stamen and it consists of an anther and corolla. Thus, among all choices, choice A is the answer.
Choice B - anther is the male part of the flower, but sepal is a protective part of the flower and not reproductive.
Choice D - stigma is the female part of the flower, but sepal is a protective part of the flower and not reproductive.
Choice C - "vary" is not a word, but it is a mistake and it should be "ovary," the answers could be both choice A and C.
a.Many mitochondrial genes resemble proteobacteria genes, while the genes in the chloroplast resemble genes found in some photosynthetic bacteria.
c.Mitochondria and chloroplasts both have their own circular DNA and 70S ribosomes that are similar to those found in bacteria.
d.Mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate by a process similar to mitosis.
Endosymbiotic theory states that mitochondria and chloroplast which are organelles of eukaryotic cells were once independently living micro-organisms but with due course of time eukaryotic cells engulfed them and they become an integral part of these eukaryotic cells.
The resemblance between mitochondrial genes with those of proteobacteria and chloroplast genes with photosynthetic bacteria strongly support endosymbiotic theory. Apart from this, the presence of their own DNA that too circular just like prokaryotic microbes and 70 S ribosomes also support this theory. Also just like prokaryotic cells, before cell division mitochondria and chloroplasts undergo replication by means of a process known as binary fission.
Nivel subatómico: lo integran las partículas más pequeñas de la materia, como son los protones, los neutrones y los electrones.
Nivel atómico: lo componen los átomos, que son la parte más pequeña de un elemento químico que puede intervenir en una reacción.
Nivel molecular: está formado por las moléculas, que se definen como unidades materiales formadas por la unión, mediante enlaces químicos, de dos o más átomos, como por ejemplo una molécula de oxígeno (O2) o de carbonato cálcico (CaCO3).
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