change in the total mass of substances
Beaker does thermometer measures the thermal energy in the air
Do you relizes how many activities lead to global warming? When gas is burned in a car, it produces carbon dioxide (a green house gas). The carbon dioxide then floats up towards the atmosphere and becomes part of the atmosphere. This then causes the heat from the sun to get trapped, bouncing from the atmosphere to the earth. The sun will never stop producing heat which will only lead to the world getting hotter as each decade goes by.
Hope this helps you!
The questions tha science can answer are those can be tested to try to find a definite answer.
For example, whether light is wave or particle is matter of science.
Questions that cannot have a definite answer are the field of religion or philosophy, and are out of the boundaries of science.
For example, does a criminal deserve the punishment of not seeing light? It is a moral question, which to be responded needs the intervention of philosophy and that could have different anwers at different times and in different societies.