Angina Pectoris is a medical condition that affect the cardio-respiratory system with clinical symptoms of chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, pain along the course of the costo-diaphraghmatic root and also Tachycadia which is increased breathing or difficulty in breathing.
Uhhhhhhhhh sorry I don’t know the answer
Protein digestion would be more difficult because of that buffering action of sodium bicarbonate on the stomach acid, which alters the optimum pH for the action of pepsin, a major protein-digester
Hi there!
In pregnancy, usually you would feel a baby's feet kick between about 16 to 26 weeks into pregnancy, but the time varies between everyone, since everyone is so different. I remember when my mom had 2 babies in her stomach (Not at the same time, but she did) and they started kicking at different times during the pregnancy. It was so cute!
Hope this helps! :D